Electric Fence

Electric Fence

An electric fence is a security assurance framework that is typically introduced along the property limit of homes or organizations. The property limit (fence, divider) is the outmost protection against unapproved access into the property.

This framework basically comprises of an uncovered wire fence structure and an energizer. The Energizer is an electrical/electronic gadget that changes over the electricity into high voltage electric electrical heartbeats and deliveries the beats through the exposed wires on the fence structure.

The electrical heartbeats give a non-deadly however agonizing stun to any individual who contacts the fence wires. On the off chance that anybody is persistently in contact with the fence wire for a preset period the fence observing keen PC, will actuate a caution alarm and naturally send a ready SMS to any pre-characterized cell phone numbers.

Simple to work and low support costs. Decreases the expense of safety work force on bigger properties.

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